Adath Israel Sisterhood  


Upcoming Events

  1. Sunday, July 26 Sisterhood  Monthly Minyan Now that it is staying lighter later, postpone your dinner and come support our daily minyan.  Come “be counted” on to help those who need to say kaddish at 5:30 PM. To volunteer, contact Debbie Lempert at 521-4945 or

Upcoming 2014 Dates:  8/30, 9/27, 10/25

  1. Wednesday, August 19th Sisterhood cooks for IHN-Considering joining our Sisterhood women for a fun afternoon of cooking and preparing.  If interested, contact Pam Meyers at

  1. Sunday August 22nd Cooking for Mitzvah Day-join in the mitzvah and help make meals for those in need in our community.  Look for more details to come in your Mitzvah Day flyer or contact Debbie Lempert at 521-4945 or

  1. Sunday, September 20th Opening Event-join us for dinner and speaker Kim Heiman, speaking on”Who’s Chuppah is it Anyway? marriage inequality in Israel (see more information below)

For more information on all of these programs and more, visit our website at

Healing & Traveling Hamsas

now available in the Coleman Family Judaica Shop

Stop in and pick up one for yourself or someone you care for today. 

2015-2017 Sisterhood Board

President                                                Rebecca Goldwasser  
President Elect
Gilda Schwartz

Vice President Membership                   Marlene Ostrow       
Vice President Education
Zahava Rendler
VP School/Youth
Sue Pressman
Recording Secretary
Gwen Heilbrun

Deb Leonard
Sandy Levine

Corresponding Secretary
Miriam Parker

Financial Secretary/Treasurer
 Lani Kirschner

Zelda Jacobs

Evelyn Fleider
Debbie Lempert

At Large
 Diana Stewart
Bonnie Ullner

Immediate Past President                                   
Debbie Lempert

2015-2017 Sisterhood Board

President                                                Rebecca Goldwasser

President Elect

Gilda Schwartz

Vice President Membership                   Marlene Ostrow      

Vice President Education

Zahava Rendler


VP School/Youth

Sue Pressman

Recording Secretary

Gwen Heilbrun


Deb Leonard

Sandy Levine

Corresponding Secretary

Miriam Parker

Financial Secretary/Treasurer

Lani Kirschner


Zelda Jacobs


Evelyn Fleider

Debbie Lempert

At Large

Diana Stewart

Bonnie Ullner

Immediate Past President                                  

Debbie Lempert

2015-2017 Sisterhood Board
Tree of Life
Dottie Fogel

Judaica Shop
 Judy Dombar 
  Anita Hertzman 
  Hatsy Lerer

Torah Fund Chair     
Pilar Samuel

Sukkah Raising Chair
Elisa Arnow

Hanukkah Fair Chairs
Lynn Kling
Bonnie Ullner

Soup Kitchen Chair  
Kathy Wise
Elza Jonas

IHN Cooking Chairs
 Pam Meyers

Mitzvah Day Cooking Chairs
Debbie Lempert

Social Action Chair
Natalie Wolf
Carolyn Kaufman

Sisterhood Shabbat Chairs
Cara Shapiro
Mindy Nemoff

Memories and Miracles Chair
Wendy Flacks

Women’s Seder
Heidi Weisman

Book Club
Barbara Bressler
Miriam Parker

2015-2017 Sisterhood Board

Tree of Life

Dottie Fogel

Judaica Shop

Judy Dombar

  Anita Hertzman

  Hatsy Lerer

Torah Fund Chair    

Pilar Samuel


Sukkah Raising Chair

Elisa Arnow

Hanukkah Fair Chairs

Lynn Kling

Bonnie Ullner

Soup Kitchen Chair 

Kathy Wise

Elza Jonas

IHN Cooking Chairs

Pam Meyers

Mitzvah Day Cooking Chairs

Debbie Lempert

Social Action Chair

Natalie Wolf

Carolyn Kaufman

Sisterhood Shabbat Chairs

Cara Shapiro

Mindy Nemoff

Memories and Miracles Chair

Wendy Flacks

Women’s Seder

Heidi Weisman

Book Club

Barbara Bressler

Miriam Parker

Have you renewed your Kroger Card yet?

It’s springtime and that means it’s time to renew your Kroger Rewards card.  You must enroll by April 30th.  It’s easy to do.  Just follow these directions:

  1. Have your Kroger Plus card handy and log on to

  2. If you do not have an account already with, please set up a new account

  3. Once you are logged in to the Kroger web site, click "my account"

  4. Click on "Kroger Plus card" and add your Kroger Plus card number

  5. Click on "Contact Information" to add your phone number as the alternate method without your card

  6. Click on "Community Rewards" and then click on "Edit Community Rewards"

  7. Add Adath Israel Sisterhood's organization number - 80170 and be sure you see Adath Israel Sisterhood listed

  8. YOU ARE DONE!  Whenever you swipe your Kroger Plus card, you earn money for Sisterhood!

Please make every effort to register for the Community Rewards program.  This is an easy fund raiser at no additional cost to anyone!!  If you need assistance with registering, feel free to contact Debbie Lempert at 521-4945 or

Thank you for your continuous support of Sisterhood

Looking for that Special Gift?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get someone special the ideal gift and not have to worry about the color, size, wrapping or shipping?  Sisterhood has the perfect gift!  Why not honor someone special with a leaf on Sisterhood’s Tree of Life!  It can be from just you or a group of friends.  Each leaf is only $125!  The recipient will receive a certificate indicating a leaf has been purchased.  This gift will live on forever.  For more information, contact Dottie Fogel at 793-1039.

The Adath Israel Judaica Shop is in need of more volunteers.  The hours are flexible and training will be provided. 

For more information, contact Judy Dombar at

Sisterhood Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam

Take a look at all the mitzvah project Adath Israel Sisterhood has done this year!  It is           amazing what we can do together!

*Hosted women from “The Women’s Interfaith Network of the Cincinnati Suburbs” for lunch and learning about Judaism

*Collected and delivered 200 hats, scarves, gloves/mitten and socks to Taylor Academy

*Donated 48 pieces of professional clothing to the Career Closet at Cincinnati State for students to wear to jobs and on interviews

*Collected and donated $165 for the following organizations during our Chocolate Seder in March:

    Ma’ot Chitim-literally translated as “Wheat Money,” this money was donated to Adath Israel to help those in financial need purchase Passover items

    Fair Trade Judaica-an organization that promotes economic partnership based on              

    equality, justice and sustainable environmental practices, ensuring fair pay, no child

    labor safe and healthy working conditions and more

    Mazon-an Jewish organization that works to ensure that hungry people have

    access to nutritious food

    Childhood Food Solutions-an local organization that is fighting food insecurity in

    Cincinnati by providing power packs to children on the weekends, during school

    vacations and throughout the summer.